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Instructions to file forms 1099-NEC using TaxMe's excel template.

These instructions apply only to line items specific to TaxMe's excel templates used to electronically file forms 1099-NEC (formerly 1099-MISC). Adhere to these instructions in order to successfully upload your file.

  1. All yellow cells are required fields.
  2. Type or PASTE VALUES only. Do not link values from external files into the template or paste FORMATS.
  3. Click on the data headers for additional information.
Payer and payee names.
  1. Names must not exceed 40 characters.
  2. DUPLICATE names are not allowed.
  3. Avoid all punctuation marks.
  4. Capitalization is not important, system will CAPITALIZE all entries.
Taxpayer identification numbers.
  1. All id numbers must include all hyphens, any other format, other than the formats shown below, will be discarded and reported as blank or empty.
  2. Employer Identification Numbers (EIN's) must be in format ##-#######
  3. Social Security Numbers (SSN's) and Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN's) must be in format ###-##-####
  1. Street addresses must not exceed 40 characters.
  2. City names must not exceed 40 characters.
  3. State two letter codes must be one in the list below (click image to expand):
  4. Zip codes must be 5 digits long.
Last filing?
  1. Mark this cell "Yes" ONLY if this is the last year this payer name and tax ID will file information returns electronically or on paper. Otherwise, leave blank.
Authorized by.
  1. By typing your name on this cell you are authorizing Tax Me, LLC., to file your return electronically and agree to the following perjury statement: Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this information and the instructions provided and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete.
  1. Enter the title of the authorized individual signing these information returns.
  1. Amounts are limited to two decimals.
  1. To correct AMOUNTS ONLY of a previously submitted return, mark the Corrected field in your template with an "X". Corrections to NAMES, ADDRESSES and/or TAX IDs are supported by email request only.
  2. If you identify an error after the IRS accepted your submission, you need to file a corrected return.
  3. Do not file the Original information again as this will result in duplicate reporting.
  4. Do not mix ORIGINAL information with CORRECTED information in the same submission file.
  5. Do not code information returns omitted from the original filing as CORRECTIONS. If you omitted an information return, it should be filed as an original return.
  6. If an error is discovered in reporting the PAYERS's (not payee's) name and or tax ID, the payer should write a letter to the IRS containing the following information:
    • Name and address of payer
    • Type of error (include the incorrect payer name or tax ID that was reported)
    • Tax year
    • Correct payer tax ID
    • Transmitter Control Code (TCC).
    • Type of return
    • Number of payees
    • Filing method, paper or electronic
    • If federal income tax was withheld or not
    • Mail correspondence to:
      • Internal Revenue Service
      • 230 Murall Drive, Mail Stop 4360
      • Kearneysville, WV 25430
  1. Fill in this field if you would like Tax Me, LLC to email encrypted Forms 1099-NEC in ".pdf" format to the payee. A telephone number is also required (see Phone Number section below).
  2. Payees must authorize payers before furnishing information returns electronically. We recommend all payers become familiar with IRS guidelines to furnish information returns electronically. Click here to use our consent template.
  3. If an email is NOT provided for a particular payee, the payee's form will be delivered electronically to the payer's email address.
  4. WE DO NOT PROCESS PAPER FORMS. All forms will be encrypted and emailed either to the payee's or payer's email address provided in the template file.
Phone numbers.
  1. For payer, this field is required. Only US numbers allowed, must be 10 digits long.
  2. For payee, if you provide an email address, you MUST provide a phone number. We require both an email address and a phone number in order to deliver the form electronically to the payee. We use the payee's phone number for authentication purposes.