Instructions to file forms 1099-NEC using TaxMe's excel template.
These instructions apply only to line items specific to TaxMe's excel templates used to electronically file forms 1099-NEC (formerly 1099-MISC). Adhere to these instructions in order to successfully upload your file.
- All yellow cells are required fields.
- Type or PASTE VALUES only. Do not link values from external files into the template or paste FORMATS.
- Click on the data headers for additional information.
Payer and payee names.
- Names must not exceed 40 characters.
- DUPLICATE names are not allowed.
- Avoid all punctuation marks.
- Capitalization is not important, system will CAPITALIZE all entries.
Taxpayer identification numbers.
- All id numbers must include all hyphens, any other format, other than the formats shown below, will be discarded and reported as blank or empty.
- Employer Identification Numbers (EIN's) must be in format ##-#######
- Social Security Numbers (SSN's) and Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN's) must be in format ###-##-####
- Street addresses must not exceed 40 characters.
- City names must not exceed 40 characters.
- State two letter codes must be one in the list below (click image to expand):
- Zip codes must be 5 digits long.
Last filing?
- Mark this cell "Yes" ONLY if this is the last year this payer name and tax ID will file information returns electronically or on paper. Otherwise, leave blank.
Authorized by.
- By typing your name on this cell you are authorizing Tax Me, LLC., to file your return electronically and agree to the following perjury statement: Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this information and the instructions provided and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete.
- Enter the title of the authorized individual signing these information returns.
- Amounts are limited to two decimals.
- To correct AMOUNTS ONLY of a previously submitted return, mark the Corrected field in your template with an "X". Corrections to NAMES, ADDRESSES and/or TAX IDs are supported by email request only.
- If you identify an error after the IRS accepted your submission, you need to file a corrected return.
- Do not file the Original information again as this will result in duplicate reporting.
- Do not mix ORIGINAL information with CORRECTED information in the same submission file.
- Do not code information returns omitted from the original filing as CORRECTIONS. If you omitted an information return, it should be filed as an original return.
- If an error is discovered in reporting the PAYERS's (not payee's) name and or tax ID, the payer should write a letter to the IRS containing the following information:
- Name and address of payer
- Type of error (include the incorrect payer name or tax ID that was reported)
- Tax year
- Correct payer tax ID
- Transmitter Control Code (TCC).
- Type of return
- Number of payees
- Filing method, paper or electronic
- If federal income tax was withheld or not
- Mail correspondence to:
- Internal Revenue Service
- 230 Murall Drive, Mail Stop 4360
- Kearneysville, WV 25430
- Fill in this field if you would like Tax Me, LLC to email encrypted Forms 1099-NEC in ".pdf" format to the payee. A telephone number is also required (see Phone Number section below).
- Payees must authorize payers before furnishing information returns electronically. We recommend all payers become familiar with IRS guidelines to furnish information returns electronically. Click here to use our consent template.
- If an email is NOT provided for a particular payee, the payee's form will be delivered electronically to the payer's email address.
- WE DO NOT PROCESS PAPER FORMS. All forms will be encrypted and emailed either to the payee's or payer's email address provided in the template file.
Phone numbers.
- For payer, this field is required. Only US numbers allowed, must be 10 digits long.
- For payee, if you provide an email address, you MUST provide a phone number. We require both an email address and a phone number in order to deliver the form electronically to the payee. We use the payee's phone number for authentication purposes.